Aug 21-28 2017 | IUCr, Hyderabad, India
April 14, 2017Date: March 24, 2020
To Our Customers and Colleagues,
As the global pandemic of Covid-19 continues to unfold, we wish to reiterate our strong commitment to supporting our customers at this time. We recognize that X-ray techniques such as crystallography and diffraction, for which our detectors are used routinely, will help provide knowledge and medicines for our society to solve the crisis. To obtain these results, X-ray light source facilities still require dependable, functioning equipment, including our detectors.
To these ends, Rayonix has put in place policies to protect our workers’ health while on our premises, as well as allow them to work remotely, even operating and testing equipment remotely when possible. We will continue to meet the needs of the X-ray science community when it comes to building and maintaining advanced X-ray detector systems.
The situation continues to change quickly, but please feel assured that we are your continual partner during the challenges ahead. Please contact us with any questions or needs.
Christine R. A. Muchmore, Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer
Rayonix, L.L.C.